Why is this relevant?: To receive payment for the services you offer to your clients, you’ll need to set up your bank accounts with the payment processors that Cohere offers.
Recommendation: At present, we suggest setting up both the Advanced setup and Simple setup to get paid.
This guide will walk you through the steps on how to get paid.
1 - Advanced Setup
Step 1: Navigate to "GETTING YOUR COHERE ACCOUNT VERIFIED" as described.
Step 2: Add your bank details during the verification process to receive payouts.
Step 3: Any bank account you add will automatically appear in the "My Account" > "My Sales" > "Connect a Bank Account" section.
Step 4: If you have a balance in your Stripe account, the "GET PAID" button will be enabled for "Balance from Direct Stripe Account"
Step 5: Clicking "GET PAID" will transfer the balance to your connected bank account with the account type "Advance"
Note: You'll receive an automated email with the subject "Money is Being Transferred" to your bank account from Cohere Money Account.
2- Simple Setup
Step 1: Go to "My Account" > "Integrations" tab.
Step 2: Click "Connect with Custom" to connect the Cohere Payment Processor.
Step 3: You can mark "Cohere Payment Processor" as default to receive all payments in your Simple Account.
Step 4: From the "My Account" > "My Sales" tab, you can add a bank account by clicking on the "Manual Connect" button.
Step 5: A popup will prompt you to enter your bank details.
Step 6: Once you've added valid bank details and clicked "OK" a bank account will be added with the account type "Simple"
Step 7: If you have a balance from your Cohere Payment Processor, the "GET PAID" button will be enabled for "Balance from Cohere Payment Processor"
Note: GET PAID" will transfer the balance to your connected bank account with the account type "Simple"
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