Now that you've successfully completed Step 2 let's dive into Step 3, where you'll customize the specifics of your coaching sessions to ensure a seamless experience for you and your clients.
Enrollment Dates
In this section, you can specify enrollment deadlines for your clients to join your coaching sessions. If you prefer flexibility, you can check the box next to "Anytime" to allow clients to enroll without a set deadline.
Adding Live Sessions
In this section, you create new live sessions for your clients to join. Click the "Create New Live Session" button to initiate the process. Here's how it works:
You can provide a name for the session, set the minimum and maximum number of participants, and specify the date and time duration.
You can make the session recurring by clicking on the checkbox next to "Make Recurring." A pop-up will appear, and you'll be required to add the duration of recurrence and end date.
You can add more time options for the same live session by clicking "Add more time options."
Adding Self-Paced Modules
You can create self-paced modules for your clients to move through at their own pace. Here's how to set up a self-paced module:
Click "Create New Self-Paced Content" to create a new module.
You can modify the module name, add a subcategory if desired, and click the trash icon to delete the module if required.
You can specify and add a date at which content will be accessible to the clients and enable clients to access prior content before proceeding. If you do not want these options, you can check the box next to "Anytime" for the content to be always available.
Click on this box to add PDFs, audio, videos, and images to the module.
You can embed video links to the module for the clients to watch, such as YouTube videos, Facebook Videos, etc.
You can attach additional files as needed by clicking the "Attach a file" button.
You can also write descriptions and add more content to the module as necessary.
Choose Your Video Provider
Pick the video service provider that aligns with your preferences:
Cohere Video Service Provider: A built-in option for hassle-free video sessions.
Zoom: Utilize the popular Zoom platform for your coaching sessions.
Other Video Platform: If you have a preferred video platform that is not listed, select this option and add the link for easy access.
Customize Calendar Invitations
Make the scheduling process smoother by customizing the calendar invite body text. Personalize the message your clients receive along with the session link, ensuring clarity and professionalism.
Also, if you want your clients to be able to download the content you have added, you can check the box next to "Enable client ability to download self-paced modules as well."
Click "Save and Next" to proceed to the next step once the settings are done.
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