Now that your domain is set up inside Cohere, you can launch your first email campaign! If you have not, please refer to this article: How to Connect Your Domain to Cohere
Here's a video on how-to create and send an email campaign.
Simply click the ‘CREATE’ button on the top left corner of your dashboard and then select email campaign. In five easy steps, you can set up everything needed to send your first ‘Email Campaign’ to your contacts on Cohere.
Step 1: Enter the details of your Campaign such as Campaign Title, Email Subject, Preheader, From Name, and Sending Address. Once you are done adding the details, click "Save and Next"
Step 2: In the next step, you'll be asked to choose a template. You can either choose a past email template you used or create a new one from the scratch. Click "Next and Continue"
Step 3: In the next step. you'll be asked to choose the contacts you want to send the campaign to. You can either choose your clients from the list or the leads.. Once this is done, click "Next and Continue."
Step 4: In the step 4, you'll be asked to design your email. You'd need to enter the text that you want to send to your contacts and cusmotize the text per your preferences. Once you're done, click "Save and Next".
Step 5: Here you'll see the summary of the campaign you created and you can edit it as well if you want to before sending it.Once you confirm it is good to go, click on "Send Email Now"
Note: You can also schedule the campaign at certain date and time by turning on toggle button to schedule for later and then add preferred date and time and the click "Schedule Email".
Here's a how-to video showing you how to create and send an email campaign.
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